Friday, October 1, 2010

Dialogue and Characterization

Serena and her shopping cart screeched to a stop in front of aisle 15. The sign read Canned Foods. She scanned the shelves, frantically, looking for the familiar box that smells of cheesy delight. It’s the day of Thanksgiving and trying to find mashed potatoes at the time was like trying to find the leprechaun at the end of the rainbow. She saw it, mid way through the aisle, hiding behind the peas and carrots, there was only one box left. At the other end of the aisle Serena spotted another woman, whose face looked vaguely similar to a friend of the past, who too, seemed to have her eyes on the box of Hungry Jack Easy Mashed Potatoes, which she desperately needed. Serena, still in her jogging suit from her earlier run, made a dash for the potatoes. What both ladies didn’t notice was another woman had entered the aisle, and was casually strolling toward the last box of potatoes. Just as Serena was about grab the box this other lady snagged them, and ran off to the next aisle. Both ladies stopped and stared in disbelief, their Thanksgiving feast was now ruined. They made eye contact.

Cree? Cree, is that you?” Serena asked curiously.
Oh, hey Serena. It’s been a while.” Cree said with a smile as she forgot about having another mashed potato-less Thanksgiving.
“It’s been two or three years at least. I think the last time we talked was The Washburns’ Christmas party, and they’ve been divorced for two years by now.” Serena replied, trying to forget that horrible memory from that party oh, so long ago, where she had gotten so drunk that she ran right into the Christmas tree and burned all of the Washburn children’s gifts.  
“You’re probably right, but I doubt it was a few years ago. You look like you haven’t aged a day.” Cree stated sullenly, as she knew that her own looks have been receding ever so slowly. 
Stop it. You don’t look too bad yourself.” Serena said. She could tell by Cree’s facial expression that the subject needed to be changed, so Serena quickly asked, “How are the kids?”
Relieved that the subject was changed, she replied “They’re doing very well. Sonny is playing soccer, and Faith is in high school now.”

As the two ladies talked, Meredith (one of Serena’s daughters) approached them and complained how she wanted her mother to hurry up, so they could hit up Macy’s before the Thanksgiving Morning Sale ended at 11:00. Serena scolded her and told her that Thanksgiving dinner is more important than some clothes. She then gave her a twenty dollar bill and shooed her off to the candy aisle.

Serena sighed and looked back to Cree, and said “Adolescence is so difficult when it comes to raising girls. Did you have any trouble when it came to raising Faith?  Our little girls are growing up so fast, it seemed just yesterday that they were only babies.”
A look of relief flashed across Cree’s face, she thought maybe she wasn’t the only one with that problem. “I agree. I know what you mean. Even though Faith didn’t cause trouble growing up, she doesn’t seem to be getting along with any of her old friends.”
Serena with a concerned look on her face said, “Both of us know high school is a tough place, with all the problems students go through, especially for young girls. Just think back to our old high school days and all the problems we faced. But she’ll come around. She has your confidence.
Things are different now Cree thought to herself. The bad memories of high school are all behind her now. She never liked to think of those days when she would come home from school high, and getting scolded by her parents for making wrong choices and hanging out with the wrong crowd. Cree tried to force a smile as she replied, You’re too kind. Thank you. How are William and the kids?”
Serena, who had been dreading the time that the question would come up, calmly answered William has been busy, you know, being a doctor and all. The kids are doing fine. We just returned home from our trip from France.”
Cree, though very jealous at the time, did not show it. She had always wanted to go to Paris, but could never afford it. So she tried to sound happy, and started to pry as much information out of Serena as she could. “No way! Ted and I have always wanted to go there, but we’ve never had the money.”
Reluctant that her family matters weren’t brought up any further, Serena indulged on her trip. “You two should totally go, Meredith and Kristin had a blast and made a bunch of new friends. If you ever wanted to get away, maybe for a long vacation, I’d be happy to look after the kids.
Cree, taken back by what Serena had just offered, thought back to Sonny and Faith.I don’t know, I think the kids, especially Faith, would like France. They don’t really like long tips though. Faith went to a camp in Vermont last summer, and really enjoyed it and made lots of friends.”
            Serena, who was still ranting on about everything great about Paris stated, I’m sure they would. France is the city of love and all.
            With a curious look Cree asked, “What places did you guys visit?”
            “Well obviously the Eiffel Tower, The Catacombs, and the Louvre. But we also visited little shops and….”
             “Mom I think we should really go, it’s 9:30.” Meredith had suddenly appeared and interrupted Serena.

Serena saw that Meredith was holding a boatload of candy in her hands. She must’ve spent the whole twenty dollars. Not wanting to cause a ruckus in the store, the girls quickly made their goodbyes and exchanged numbers, and left the store.

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