Sunday, September 12, 2010

Nothing In The Dark Open Response

The episode, Nothing In The Dark, of The Twilight series is a perfect example of the Dark Fantasy subgenre because it has many elements that portrayed the genre so well. These elements can vary from horror, fear and a supernatural element. One of these elements is fear, and this episode clearly showed it well. The old woman, named Wanda Dunn, shuts herself from the outside world. Whenever someone knocks on her door, she is always afraid that it would be Mr. Death. Wanda is so fearful that even when an injured policeman knocks on her door, she is reluctant to let him in reasoning that Mr. Death changes appearance to trick her. This feeling/mood of fear and horror sets this to be a dark fantasy story. Another element is the supernatural aspect of this story. After finally letting the policeman in and the contractor leaves telling her that her house is going to be demolished, she realizes that the policeman is indeed Mr. Death. Mr. Death tells her to look in the mirror to see his reflection. When she looks, the bed where the policeman was lying is empty. She accuses him of lying, but the policeman convinces her that he only did it so she would trust him and that dying is not so bad. The policeman then tells Wanda to touch his hand, and before she knew it she was looking at her own dead body on the bed beside her. Every dark fantasy story has a supernatural element to it and this story certainly had it. This story definitely fits the dark fantasy subgenre because of its fear, horror, and supernatural elements.


  1. G-Money, I really liked this analysis of why Nothing in the Dark was a part of Dark Fantasy. I think your plot synopsis was very good and had some good description and didnt miss anything important

  2. Good facts to back up your commentary. Conveyed the real theme of the episode. Try to use more variety in your diction. You used "well" alot.

  3. Wow. Pretty in depth. I had no idea what her name was, and I don't think it was mentioned in the show. Way to do some research. I like the simplicity of your concluding sentence.

  4. Nice open response! You could tone down the summarization, but your specific analysis is very good. Look also for the big idea: specifically, the big idea of the film is that by avoiding death, Wanda is missing out on life. In a way, this piece really turns the dark fantasy genre on its ear by saying that death is not to be feared after all!
