Thursday, September 23, 2010

Using Dialogue in Characterization

Serena: Cree? Cree, is that you?
Cree: Oh, hey Serena. It’s been a while.
Serena: It’s been two or three years at least. I think the last time we talked was The Washburns’ Christmas party, and they’ve been divorced for two years by now.
Cree: You’re probably right, but I doubt it was a few years ago. You look like you’ve haven’t aged a day.
Serena: Ohhh, Stop it. You don’t look too bad yourself. How are the kids?
Cree: They’re doing very well. Sonny is playing soccer, and Faith is in high school now.
Serena: Oh my gosh! They are growing up so fast. I can’t believe Faith is almost in college; it seemed just yesterday that she was only a baby.
Cree: I know, right. She’s having a little trouble though, adjusting to the high school life.
Serena: Oh, she’ll come around. She has your confidence.
Cree: You’re too kind. Thank you. How are William and the kids?
Serena: William has been busy, you know, being a doctor and all. The kids are doing fine. We just returned home from our trip from France.
Cree: No way! Ted and I have always wanted to go there, but we’ve never had the money.
Serena: You two should totally go, Meredith and Kristin had a blast and made a bunch of new friends.
Cree: I wonder if Faith would like it. She doesn’t really like long trips though.
Serena: I’m sure she would. France is the city of love and all.
Cree: I know. What places did you guys visit?
Serena: Well obviously the Eiffel Tower, The Catacombs, and the Louvre. But we also visited little shops and even went to some of the beaches.
Cree: No way! Did you guys bring back any souvenirs?
Serena: Actually we did. The kids wanted a lot of things, and of course I bought them what they wanted.
Cree: So what were they? What did you get the kids?
Serena: Both of them wanted jewelry, Meredith more than Kristen, she being in high school wanted to impress the guys.
Cree: (Laugh). Oh that Meredith. What about Kristen?
Serena: Kristen got a charm bracelet along with a silver tiara.
Cree: That’s so adorable.
Serena: Ya, she wants to be a pretty princess for Halloween.
Cree: Did William enjoy the trip?
Serena: Unfortunately, William had to work and couldn’t make it.
Cree:  That’s too bad.
Serena: I just wish we could’ve gone as a whole family though.
Cree: How come he had work?
Serena: William had to stay because there was an emergency at work. A staph epidemic broke out in the hospital, and he had to treat everyone.  
Cree: Oh, that’s too bad, Ted is pretty busy as well, and besides work he also coaches Sonnys’ soccer team.
Serena: That’s so nice of Ted. How good is the team doing?
Cree: Record-wise not so good, but they are all having a fun time. That’s all that matters.
Serena: If only the girls got into sports. They were always so into fashion.
Cree: Sonny really enjoys soccer, and Ted just goes along to support his him in his decisions.
Serena: That’s nice, I wish William would come home earlier and spend some time with the kids. (cries) They don’t even recognize him when, he comes home.
Cree: Come here, honey. It will be ok. Talk to me! How can I help?
Serena: I tried to talk to him about it, but he just won’t listen.
Cree: Then maybe you should make him listen. Set some ground rules. Tell him he needs to spend some time with his children.
Serena: Do you really think that would work?
Cree: Well sure it would. He has to realize that his family always takes priority over work.
Serena: I know it does, but he makes it sound like his work is more important than anything in the world.
Cree: I got a plan. Listen up.
Serena: I’m all ears.
Cree: Okay, so next Friday you are going to take the day off. And you and I are going to have a ladies’ night. You are going to convince William to watch the kids for you. Maybe suggest that he take them to a movie.
Serena: That’s a great idea. I’ll make sure I mention it to him tonight.
Cree: Awesome, and you’ll also be able to kill two birds with one stone. You can relax while William spends some much needed time with the girls.
Serena: I can’t believe I hadn’t thought of this before. Cree, you’re a life saver.
Cree: Thanks, I’m only trying to help.
Serena: So where should we go on Friday?
Cree: I think first we should visit the spa and salon and get prepped up, then hit the clubs for some drinks and a fun night out on the city.
Serena: I haven’t been able to do that in years.
Cree: It will be amazing, and since this is all for you, I’ll even volunteer to be the designated driver for the night.
Serena: Don’t even bother sweetie, let’s just get a cab, and enjoy the night.
Cree: Alright but the fare and tab is on me.
Serena: You don’t have to do that.
Cree: I insist.
Serena: Okay, if you say so, I have to go now and pick up the kids from the mall. It was nice seeing you Cree.
Cree: Alright 5:00 on Friday, see you then.

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